In 2021, we fell in love with Cécile Hudrisier’s universe when we discovered her creations on Pinterest.
Apparently, we weren’t the only ones to fall under her spell, so it was only logical that we should renew the edition of her creations on our tea caddies!
In this year’s collection, we’re adding two new illustrations by his hand, coeur de mangrove and nuit sous les corolles.
Cécile Hudrisier: 2024 collection
Find out more about this talented artist in the Q&A below…
– How did you get into illustration? Did you follow a particular course of study, or are you more self-taught?
I’ve always loved drawing, tinkering, cutting, gluing and so on. So it was natural for me to enroll at the University of Visual Arts in Toulouse.
I discovered children’s books during my year as a Master’s student and that was the turning point: I realized that this was what I wanted to do, tell stories with drawings…
I wrote my first story, illustrated it, sent it to 4 publishing houses whose catalogs I’d spotted, and one of them said yes, and… the adventure began!
– Your style and your world are distinctive and recognizable, but we all have our sources of inspiration. What are yours?
In fact, I have several illustration styles, so lots of different sources of inspiration:
Qhen I started doing volume illustrations, I was a great admirer of Christian Voltz’s work.
With him, poetry can emerge from a piece of wire, a rusty nail can come to life.
Sometimes I invent zany or offbeat characters for my albums, and it reminds me of my first encounter with Delphine Durand’s album “Ma maison”: a crush that remains intact 20 years later. Her humor, overflowing imagination and absurdly tender little phrases all speak to me in this book.
And when I paint in watercolors, my greatest inspiration is undoubtedly nature! A drop of dew, a piece of moss that falls from a stump, the plum trees that follow the seasons in front of my studio, a plane tree leaf deposited by the wind on my windowsill…
– Do you have a creative ritual you’d like to share? : )
I love working in the morning, and I’m often in a hurry to get up and get back to my studio (but never without skipping the crucial breakfast step!).
For my watercolors, my “ritual trick” is to leave some paper already cut out on my table and always have a pot of water and my palette ready to use… that way, if the urge strikes me to paint a bird or an island between two orders, everything’s set up!
– Are you currently working on one or more projects?
Yes, I’ve received 2 stories for which I’m to do the illustrations. These 2 albums will be published in 2023.
In parallel, I’m working on commissions for the children’s press.
– Finally, can you give me a link to discover or rediscover your work?
Yes! My Instagram account: https: //